What do you see?

"Bare Laughs"

"Animal Cruelty Rides On"

"Humans Do Not Fear Bears"
We were each given this image alone on a piece of paper. We were told to write what we see! It could be a sentence a caption or simply words. The captions to the right are a few that I wrote down.
In discussion after it seemed we were all against what we could see, It seemed like a clear use of animal cruelty. The bears are entertaining the audience, usually humans fear such a fierce animal however not in this instance.

This photo was actually taken from a circus in the 1900's in Moscow. Here the audience were greatly amused by this site. From looking at my opinion and possibly how the audience then viewed this I saw how people who have experienced different things within life have different views on matter.
A picture has a thousand meanings.

POLYSEMUS- having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"
